On Being Atypical

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2020

This world in its current state - polarized, competitive, full of judgement and greed - makes sense to some people. 

They wake up, watch the news, work a full day, head home in traffic, eat, sleep and do it all over the next day.

They don’t question this.

They don’t feel angst about the way things are.

Or, if they do feel angst, they seek to satisfy it by earning more, acquiring more, playing harder - striving to “win” at life.  

They don’t like what they see is happening in the world, but they are resigned to it. 

“That’s just the way it is,” they say.

And then...there’s us

We can’t simply distract ourselves “playing to win” - not when there is so much pain and division on the planet.

We can’t pretend that this is okay. That this is the way it’s meant to be.

We know in our hearts that there is a different possibility...for everyone. 

It may be a faint stirring. It may seem illogical. 

But we can’t shake the feeling that this place could feel more like...home.

How do we get there from here?

That’s the big question.

We might not have the answer - but we do have a strong sense of what doesn’t work.

It doesn’t work to be oppositional and to push against what we see as problematic. 

We've learned that what we oppose only gets stronger. 

It doesn’t work to try to improve things through sacrifice and striving. 

We’ve tried that and all it got us was burn out and compassion fatigue.

No, it’s pretty clear that cocreating the “more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible” (the title of a brilliant book by Charles Eisenstein) will NOT be a linear/cause and effect proposition.

Instead, this more beautiful world can only be “evoked” from the inside out.

In other words, if we want to cultivate an inclusively fulfilling experience of “home” on planet earth…

...we must begin by coming home to ourselves. 


Photo by Jiroe on Unsplash


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Coming Home to Ourselves

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