Our current invitation...

Uncategorized Mar 25, 2020

Establishing An Embodied Foundation of True Inner Security - Together!

“A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but in her own wings.” – Unknown

Precarious. Shaky. Wobbly. Wavering.

We've all been feeling it.

The societal structures we assumed would be "rock solid" and "stable" are clearly - not!

We are collectively inhabiting a planet where VUCA - volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity - is now the norm.

How are we to respond?

As people all over the planet frantically strive to shore up the status quo, do you have a sense that you are here for a very different purpose?

When you look at the things that are breaking down - are you simultaneously fascinated by signs of potential seeking to break-through?

  • If you are clear that you are here to play the role of change agent in this time of rapid transformation...
  • If you recognize that your unique gifts may be geared to catalyzing and supporting people as they face into waves of uncertainty and overwhelm...
  • If you sense that you may have incarnated at this specific time to serve as a Pivot Point  - one who, by coming home to him/herself, leads by being an example of what is truly possible...

...then the greatest gift you can offer to all of us is your commitment to establish your own true inner security.

In other words, those of us holding a vision of a more generative and supportive reality must cultivate generativity and support within ourselves first!

We do this by shifting our "operating system" from survival mode (operating from unconscious defense mechanisms) to igniting our inner resourcefulness through the following alchemical equation:

Felt Safety (physiology) + Self-Trust (emotions) + Self-Sovereignty (identity) = Self-resourcing 

Only when we are, ourselves, enlivened by a rich inner infrastructure will we be in the optimal position to "midwife" the new in the world around us.

To summarize, those of us who share a vision of "the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible" must actually become the change we wish to see. For us, Coming Home to Ourselves must become a reliable and embodied, second nature experience.

To support us, collaboratively, in entraining to this state of dynamic inner stability, we invite you to join us in a Self-Resourcing Co-Lab which will bring everything that has been expressed on this page into embodiment, integration, unification and emergence.

Together we will:

  • Unhook from the limited ways that we have become accustomed to seeing life 
  • Unlock everything that has impeded our authentic expression and  
  • Unleash the unique gifts that have been lying dormant within us 

And, best of all, we will accomplish this operating system "upgrade" within a new kind of community - one that supports each one of us, individually, as we step into our fullest potential, collectively.

"The more you help people find their light, the brighter you both will shine.” - Shawn Achor 

If, in the face of this current global instability, you are ready to commit to "being the change you wish to see" - follow this link to discover how you can join us as a Beta Tester in our initial "Self-Resourcing" Co-Lab.


50% Complete

Coming Home to Ourselves

We are delighted that you are choosing to stay connected!